Is there more to visual facilitation than the occasional use of a flipchart? Can we listen with our eyes and fingers as well as our ears? This session explores how images and drawing can help with the facilitation process. Whether you are an artist or not (especially if you think you aren’t), we will painting, drawing, smudging and crayoning. We will be getting our hands dirty please do not dress in our nice work clothes (or at least bring a big shirt to cover up).


Nancy White has worked with organisations as diverse as the World Health Organization, IBM, IEEE & the International Labor Organization. She is the co-author of “Digital Habitats” with Etienne Wenger & John
Smith. Her graphic facilitation gigs have involved the Dalai Lama. More details on her Australian visit here:http://nancywhiteoz.wordpress.com/


5.30 pm Start, Monday 9 November

UTS Building 10 – map available.
Jones St Ultimo
Level 5, Room 5.580

No RSVP this time!

Sharepoint Cafe

25 October, 2009

The NSW KM Forum meets Sydney Sharepoint Users Group session on Tuesday 20 October was a joy to participate in. The “world cafe” style format covered five topics:

  • Document Management
  • Team Collaboration
  • Search
  • User Adoption
  • Customisation

The notes are available below (but probably won’t make much sense if you weren’t there). Many thanks to Ivan Wilson for assistance in organising the event and Michael Sampson for the donation of 2 copies of Sharepoint Roadmap for Collaboration as raffle prizes.


Microsoft’s Sharepoint has become a major platform for document management and team collaboration within organisations. Many knowledge managers have to know this tool to deliver their services within organisations and so there is a critical need to work effectively with Sharepoint developers and administrators. This event brings together
the Sydney Sharepoint User Group and the NSW Knowledge Management Forum for an evening of discussion and debate.


The event will follow a ‘cafe’ format – with participants sharing their experiences around topics of mutual interest. Each table will focus on a topic and participants will have the opportunity to rotate between tables (& topics) during the course of the event. This format is inspired by approaches such as the World Cafe  and Open Space:

Some potential topics include: Document management, team collaboration, search, publishing & intranets, understanding user requirements, encouraging adoption, administering technology environments, customisation and the world of plug-ins. To help us with preparation, when you RSVP (see below) we’d like you to tell us the three broad topics you would like to see covered.


Using the PwC venue requires that we clear visitors with the venue provider. If you plan to attend please RSVP before noon Monday Sept 21 by e-mail to: sydney@sharepointusers.org.au – remember to tell us about your topics!


Darling Park
201 Sussex Street

Enter from Druitt Street, go up the escalators and up the hall.
Continue through the foyer until you see the PwC security desk through
the doors on your left hand side. Please note: You will need to get a
security pass from the security desk in the PwC Foyer, then proceed to
main reception on Level 10 and tell reception you are here for the NSW
KM Forum.

WHEN: 5.30pm for 6pm, Tuesday 20 October